You Want WHAT??

Just imagine that God shows up and offers to give you anything your heart desires.  Wowzers!!  What would you ask for?  More stuff?  Perfect health?  Happiness?

The Bible tells us of at least one person that experienced this incredible offer – the young Israelite King, Solomon.  This was his answer:

“Give me the wisdom and knowledge to lead [the people of Israel] properly.” (2 Chron. 1:10 NLT)

This answer really pleased the Lord and not only did Solomon get the requested wisdom and knowledge, he also received a boatload of stuff too!  Now… consider this (on Father’s Day weekend)… What prompted a young man to give such an unusual response?  Here’s a hint:

“Now, my son (Solomon), may the Lord be with you and give you success…  And may the Lord give you wisdom and understanding, that you may obey the Law of the Lord your God as you rule over Israel”  (1 Chron. 22:11-12 NLT)

Well, well.  It wasn’t an accident or freak of nature that caused Solomon to seek wisdom.  The desire that so impressed God and set Solomon up to be remembered as the wisest man who ever lived, was put in his heart by none other than his father, King David.

I don’t know if God will ever extend an unlimited offer to us… Oh, wait… Yes, He has!  He sent His son to pay the price for our salvation and along with this, the offer of much more than earthly wisdom – eternal life.

Fathers (Mothers and others), there is nothing you can give your children that is more deserving of honor than to set them up to receive eternal life later and joy unspeakable now.

That’s the best way to impress Father God.

3 thoughts on “You Want WHAT??

  1. You are all ways so wise when it comes to Christian sense .
    I have all ways looked up to you and for the help you bring with these words.
    Thank you for being you and for your help .
    Blessing to you and brother Kimp


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